Open letter to all ladies
By Sylvanus Omoniyi OPEN LETTER TO LADIES Moment of introspection. This is strictly for matured girls and women. They say women and ladies and girls like to form. It is good. The wisdom of it is to know when to throw your formality in the waste basket. There is this bad thing about some ladies: always playing hard to get. You should stop it, so that you don't cry silently at the end. The world is becoming more advanced everyday. Gone are the days when men fight because of women. The world has more than enough women now. Delete the old school mentality. If a guy approaches you that he wants a relationship, if you love him, don't pretend. Accept his proposal and move on in the relationship. That does not mean you are cheap. It means you are real and sincere. Anyone who thinks you are cheap because a guy speaks to you in a day and you said YES in the same day is stupid. Why postpone what you love? Postponing a proposal and playing hard-to-get does not make you a saint or a respo...