Opinion Fani-Kayode: Buhari, Biafra and the double standard of a government in denial
Thankfully under President Goodluck Jonathan the Igbo managed to do better than at any other time in our history. As a matter of fact this was so much the case that Nigerians from other parts of the country, particularly the Yoruba and the Hausa-Fulani, often sulked about it and openly complained.
Jonathan had a soft spot for the Igbo and I have little doubt
that that partiality was borne out of his innate sensitivity to
their historical trials and tribulations. It may have been sub-
conscious but I have no doubt that it was there.
Unlike others he viewed the Igbo as equals and regarded
them as human beings: he treated them with respect and
decorum and he gave them their due. Consequently it was
under Jonathan that Lt. General Azubuike Ihejirika the first
Igbo Chief of Army Staff since the civil war was appointed.
It was also under Jonathan that Senator Pius Anyim, the
first Igbo Secretary to the Federal Government of Nigeria
since independence was appointed.
Sadly when President Muhammadu Buhari was elected into
office all that changed and eastern stars stopped shining.
Under him the persecution, marginalization, humiliation,
detention, state-sponsored executions and assassinations
and sectarian and ethnic-motivated murder of the Igbo has
reached pre-civil war proportions.
To add to that the Igbo have been treated with more disdain
and contempt by the Buhari administration than any other
government in our entire history. Permit me to share juat
one example of that here.
A few days ago hordes of AK-47-wielding Fulani herdsmen
and militants attacked some farms in Enugu state. Fearing
that the Agatu treatment may be meted out to them and in
order to protect their lives, their families, their property, their
livestock and their crops from the murderous vandals and
marauders the Igbo farmers organised themselves and
fought back gallantly.
Consequently there were casualties on both sides. Instead
of the police to come in to apprehend the Fulani aggressors
and raiders, seize their weapons and bring them to justice
they arrested 76 Igbo farmers. Up until today those farmers
are in police custody and their families have had no access
to them.
As far as I am aware not one Fulani militant or herdsman
was questioned over this incident let alone disarmed,
caitioned or arrested. As unbelievable as it may appear this
patterm of behaviour by the security agencies has been the
norm throughout the Middle Belt and the south since
President Buhari has come to power.
They have displayed great reluctance to protect the
indigenous people and farmers of those two regions from
the pillaging, killing and raping that the Fulani herdsmen
always subject them to.
It is also instructive to note that the political leaders of the
igbo nation appear to have been so intimidated by this trend
of events that none of them has spoken out against the
abduction of the Enugu farmers or condemned the
barbarous action of the Fulani herdsmen that raided their
As a matter of fact the only two politicians in the entire
country that have publicly expressed concern about the
safety, whereabouts and plight of the 76 Igbo farmers are
both from the south west and they are Governor Ayodele
Fayose of Ekiti state and yours truly. Fayose did so in an
advert in the newspapers a few days ago and I did so in my
column last week titled “Of Tyrants, Martyrs and Heroes
Everyone else, including the Igbo Governors. Senators,
Ministers, elders and leaders of their socio-political groups
has maintained a curious, submissive and stoic silence on
this matter. I guess that is a sign of the times that we are
living in and I cannot blame them. Given the circumstances
and the obvious constraints of their political leaders and
elders why would the younger generation of the Igbo not
agitate and fight for the establisment of Biafra?
This is especially so given the fact that it is self- evident that
under the leadership of President Buhari igbos, and indeed
other southerners, are not just being subjected to violence in
the north but they are also being attacked by northerners
down in their own states in the south.
Sourhern leaders are expected to live with this, accept it as
the norm and most importantly they are not expected to
defend themselves, defend their people or complain about
the atrocities that they are being subjected to in their own
This hardly kindles hope for the future of our nation and it
certainly does not engender confidence in our country or
enhance national unity. It is clear that the contempt with
which our government views the people of the south and
particularly the igbo is obvious and glaring.
President Buhari himself, during one of his interviews with
Al Jazeera and during the course of an earlier interview with
Nigeria’s NTA, displayed that contempt very eloquently
when, in answer to a question about Nnamdi Kanu, the
leader of IPOB’s prolonged detention and the increasingly
aggressive agitation for Biafra, he asked rather brusquely
“what exactly do the Igbo want?”
When he was told that the Igbo felt marginalised by his
government he went further on to ask “who is marginalizing
Again before millions of viewers from all over the world
President Buhari refused to watch the footage of the extra-
judicial killing of some IPOB youths by his security forces
when he was asked to do so during his infamous interview
with Al Jazeera.
In that same interview he went on to dismiss the legitimate
aspirations of and agitation by millions of young people
from the eastern part of our country for the creation of
Biafra in just one sentence.
He said that if they had any complaints they should agitate
for more states in the east instead of yearning for their own
One wonders how state creation can appease a generation
of angry young Igbos who genuinely believe that their people
are being systematically killed off and that they have been
turned into slaves and second class citizens by Nigeria.
And this coming from a man who has refused to appoint
one single Igbo into the Presidency and who believes that he
has done them a favor by appointing five Igbo Ministers into
his cabinet.
He forgets that the constitution of our country compels him
to appoint at least one Minister per state and that whether
he likes it or not he must appoint those five because the
Igbos control five states in the Federation each of which
must be represented in the cabinet. It may not be
fashionable to say it publicly but the truth is that the Igbo
are virtually an endangered species under President
Buhari’s government.
They have been robbed of their dignity, their sense of self-
worth, their self-esteem and their self-respect by our
government and the Igbo youth particularly do not believe
that they have much of a future left in Nigeria. That is why
the agitation for Biafra has reached fever pitch among
Whatever anyone feels about Biafra the fact of the matter is
as follows: as my friend and brother Chief Orji Uzor Kalu, the
former Governor of Abia state, said a few days ago, “the
igbo have not been fully integrated back into Nigeria 46
years after the civil war”.
The truth is that Nigeria is not working for most of the
ethnic nationalities and everyone knows it. And as long as
those that hold power at the center today remain in power
things will not get any better.
As a matter of fact as long as they are in power things will
get worse. In Buhari’s Nigeria if you are not from the core
north and if you are not a Muslim you do not have much
hope of getting to the top or achieving your full potentials.
That is “chanji” for you and that is Buhari’s mission and
vision. We said it during the Presidential campaign but
regrettably few would listen. Now the same people that
would not listen are regretting it bitterly and they are saying
that we were right.
In Buhari’s Nigeria it is one law for the oppressed and
another for the ”Born to Rule” oppressor. Whether we wish
to admit it or not that is the reality and everyone knows it.
There is also a well-orchestrated attempt to Islamise our
country and suppress the practice of Christianity in some
parts within our shores. Kaduna state is an example and
what is going on there is nothing but a test run for the rest
of the country.
Yet the truth is that everything has its expiry date including
religious bigotry, bondage and slavery. The oppressor often
forgets that the future belongs to the oppressed.
The Irish experience and the beautiful people of Eire and the
Emerald Isle have taught us that. Far away London in merry
England was once their capital yet today it is their very own
Dublin. If God can do it for them He can also do it for us. It
is just a matter of time.
Some will disagree with the contents of this contribution
whilst others will hate me for writing it. To such troubled
souls I recommend the words of Albert Einstein. He said:
“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from
mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of
understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to
conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his
opinions courageously and honestly”.
I need say no more.