The 10 Commandments of Logic

Remembering The 10 Commandments of Logic. ------------------------------------------------------ Whenever I come across ignorance on rampage, especially on this blue app, I remember coming across this list 11 years ago. And for those who never entered Phil 101,102,103 classes, this may be helpful. First, ignorance is in itself not a negative connotation. You don't know what you don't know and we are all ignorant in one area or another, and also of some things. So don't take it to heart if someone says you are ignorant, calm down and ask , of what (or in what), the response may help you calm all the way down. Or even flare up. As I said, someone sent me this over a decade ago. I swallowed my small pride, framed it in my mind, and studied it day and night. It has been helpful to me by steering me away from needless arguments or debates, and or trending issues. The Ten Commandments of Logic -+++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.Thou shall not attack the person’s character, but the a...