The beautiful ones are making strides - Fransceca Obadan

"Classy", "Chic", "Clubber", "100% social", "Bad", "Promiscous",
"party rider" and the likes is the first thought that comes to many
especially non-Akokites, when they see or hear of a typical unilag
Now, I'm not denying the existence of these species in the school of first choice. In fact over time, they've become more sophisticated and more promiscuous and 'badder'. But as they improve in what they know how to do best, a new species emerged- not like they never existed all along, they just were in trace amounts.
These newbies weren't and aren't just pretty and having their sense of class, they are smart- outright smart and they prove that in their classy Grade Points.
But then, the story doesnt end there. Lately, the newest version of the brand evolved. These babes aren't just hot and smart or rather 'Beauty and Brains' like we call them, they have something extra. Industrious. Yea, that's the word. They are industrious.
I recently realized that every chic in this category either has a
business venture, a business plan or is acquiring one skill or
another. These babes go from dealing in basic commodities and
consumables such as food items (noodles& egg/ snacks precisely), toiletries, hair and sexy makeup, lovely accessories and trendy footwear (even got one of those today) to working part-time or owning stalls off campus, not forgetting to include the bloggers- almost everyone owns a blog these days.
Whatever the vision or reason for their start-up is best known to
these individuals but we can simply just agree that these babes aren't lazy or better still, they choose not to be.
Let's not forget that all these versions of the 'typical Unilag bae'
still exist but the community of greates Akokites and others would
most definitely look forward to seeing the extinction of the former
and an establishment of the Busy, Beauty and Brains.
Franca Obadan studies Education and Chemistry. When she's not busy with Chemistry, she's riding on the sewing machine.


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